Auschwitz, A poignant journey through history

The concentration camp is worth visiting. It is very large inside


Auschwitz concentration camp is located in the town of Auschwitz, southwest of Krakow. It was one of the labor and extermination camps established by Germany during World War II. Today, it has become a famous memorial site and museum. There are two camps in the area, the larger Auschwitz main camp and the smaller Auschwitz-Birkenau second camp, which are about 3 kilometers apart. There are free shuttle buses available every hour between the two camps.

Must-go rating

Must go


There is a parking lot
Expensive parking fees
Opening hours
Open all year round, closed on January 1st, December 25th, and Easter. March and November from 8:00 to 16:00, April and October from 8:00 to 17:00, May and September from 8:00 to 18:00, June to August from 8:00 to 19:00, December to February of the following year from 8:00 to 15:00. Special notices will be posted on the website in case of any changes.
Train: Take a train from Krakow Central Station to OŚWIĘCIM, which takes about 2 hours. Get off the train and walk south for 20 minutes to reach the destination. There are maps available along the way.