King Zygmunt III Waza Column (Kolumna króla Zygmunta III Wazy), A Monumental Tribute to Vision and Valor

Plac Zamkowy
The pillar in the center of Warsaw Castle Square


The Sigismund III Column, located in a square in the center of Warsaw, is Poland's most famous non-religious monument. This 22-meter-high granite column was erected in 1644 by King Władysław IV to commemorate his father. At the top, we can see Sigismund III holding a cross and looking into the distance, symbolizing his forward-looking determination and belief in the future. His right hand holds a sword, symbolizing courage and fighting spirit. Sigismund III was one of the most famous kings in Polish history. In 1596, due to his decision, the capital of Poland was relocated from Krakow to Warsaw, which remains the political and cultural center of Poland to this day. By the late 18th century, Warsaw had become one of the largest cities in Europe. The Sigismund III Column witnessed this important moment in Polish history and has become an iconic landmark in Warsaw.
Plac Zamkowy
Located on Castle Square.