SALZBURG OLD TOWN, A timeless journey through Baroque and Medieval marvels

Salzburg old town, Salzburg
Many attractions are located here


Salzburg's Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site and the only city district in the world that combines medieval and Baroque architecture. Starting from the banks of the Salzach River, the left side of the Old Town includes the central area of Nonntal, the Festungsberg hill, the Salzburg Castle (FESTUNG HOHENSALZBURG), and the entire Mönchsberg mountain. The right side of the Old Town includes Linzergasse, Steingasse, Äußerer Stein, the Kapuzinerberg mountain, and the Capuchin monastery. Many attractions of Salzburg can be visited here. Every year, 1-2 weeks before Christmas, Salzburg holds Krampus Night. Krampus is the evil twin brother of Santa Claus. It is said that this terrifying demon roams the streets of the Old Town disguised as a masked monster, wielding whips and branches to punish naughty children. The children scream and flee in all directions. It is a very unique traditional event.

Must-go rating

Must go


Translation: Others
Salzburg old town, Salzburg