Rathaus Wien, Gothic grandeur meets spirited defiance

Rathausplatz 1, 1010 Vienna
Simplified and affordable architecture


Vienna City Hall is a magnificent Neo-Gothic building and serves as the residence of the mayor and city council. The facade of the City Hall features five towers, with a particularly striking central tower reaching a height of 98 meters. When the City Hall was constructed, the church set a rule that non-church buildings should not exceed a height of 100 meters. In order to challenge this rule, the designer cleverly added a statue of a "City Hall Iron Man" on top of the tower, standing at a height of 3.4 meters, symbolizing the spirit of challenging the old order. In front of the City Hall, there is a large park called Rathauspark. Every summer (July and August), concerts and performances are held on the square in front of the City Hall. One month before Christmas, wooden huts are set up on the square to form a Christmas market. During winter, the square transforms into an artificial ice-skating rink, creating a lively atmosphere and serving as a venue for winter ice and snow activities.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Bus transportation
Translation: Others
Rathausplatz 1, 1010 Vienna
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00.
Tram: Take D line to Rathausplatz or Burgtheater stop, get off on the east side for the Burgtheater theater, and head west to see the town hall tower. Walk through the Rathauspark city hall park to get there.
Phone 01-525-50