Albertina Museum, A treasure trove of masterpieces across ages

Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
A large number of Impressionist paintings


The ALBERTINA Museum is located in the center of Vienna and is a historic and royal-style art museum. It was originally a luxurious Habsburg palace and has transformed into an internationally renowned art museum over the centuries. It has attracted many cultural tourists to visit. The ALBERTINA Museum has hosted numerous exhibitions, showcasing outstanding artworks from the 15th century to the contemporary era. Particularly during special exhibitions dedicated to masters such as Albrecht Dürer, Van Gogh, and Raphael, it has attracted even more visitors. The permanent collections, such as "From Monet to Picasso" and "the Batliner Collection," present the most exciting chapters in the history of art, spanning about 150 years from French Impressionism to the modern era. Additionally, this exhibition, which displays millions of paintings, is one of the largest and most significant painting exhibits in the world, featuring outstanding works by masters such as Dürer, Michelangelo, and Rembrandt. The ALBERTINA Museum is open for permanent and special exhibitions 365 days a year, allowing visitors to explore a wide range of artworks, from classical masters' classic modernist paintings to contemporary art, photography, and architecture. Visitors can also admire the luxurious aristocratic rooms with a rich history at the Albertina, considered one of the most beautiful classical palaces in Europe.
Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Opening hours
Every day: 10.00-18.00 (opening hours extended to 21.00 on Wednesdays and Fridays).
Opening hours may vary on national holidays.
Some special events may result in partial closures of exhibition rooms. In addition, the installation and dismantling of exhibitions may temporarily restrict public access to certain halls. For information on visiting dates, please call 43 1 534 83 540 or email
Public transportation