Anping Old Street, A nostalgic journey of taste and heritage

Yanping Street, Zhongxing Street, and Xiaozhong Street in Anping District, Tainan City
On both sides of the street, there are vendors selling snacks and small trinkets


Anping Old Street is located east of Anping Fort in Tainan. It was the first street established by the Dutch three hundred years ago and is known as the "Taiwan Street" and "Stone Street." The houses on the street are mainly traditional courtyard houses, low red brick houses, and Western-style buildings. The white plastered walls, pebble facades, and handcrafted reliefs on the railings, pillars, and eaves of the Western-style buildings are exquisite. When planning Yanping Street, the urban planning of Qing Dynasty Taiwan was followed, and the width was only two to three meters, suitable for pedestrians and bicycles, without consideration for cars. In 1994, the Tainan City government planned to widen Yanping Street to ensure the safety of residents, but it was opposed by cultural and historical preservationists, and the project was put on hold. Later, through strong advocacy by the residents, Yanping Street was demolished and reconstructed. Now, Zongxing Street and Xiaozhong Street, parallel to Yanping Street, have well-preserved old streets. In addition, Anping Fort next to the old street is the oldest historical fortress in Taiwan, with only ruins remaining. At the end of the fort street, there are several old foreign trading offices, including the former offices of British firm Tait & Co and German firm Tamsui Steamer Trading. The old warehouse of Tait & Co has formed a unique sight called Anping Tree House due to the growth of banyan trees, with trees inside the building and building on the trees, becoming a famous attraction. Due to its long-standing dim lighting and cool, damp air, it has a special mysterious atmosphere reminiscent of the Angkor Wat.
Yanping Street, Zhongxing Street, and Xiaozhong Street in Anping District, Tainan City
Opening hours
All day.
Take bus route 2 of Tainan City Bus from Tainan Train Station to Anping Castle station and get off.