Qijin Windmill Park, A Green Oasis of Leisure and Wind Power

Qijin 2nd Road, Qijin District, Kaohsiung City
Kaohsiung is also the first tourist city in Taiwan


The Qijin Windmill Park in Kaohsiung City is Taiwan's first wind power park that combines sightseeing, leisure, and environmental protection. The park covers an area of 7.5 hectares and features seven unique three-blade windmills for visitors to explore. These windmills generate enough electricity to power the park's lighting for up to four hours. The park also has hundreds of coastal trees and large grassy areas for visitors to stroll, picnic, and fly kites. In addition, there is an observation deck and a performance stage in front of the square, where various cultural activities are held periodically.
Qijin 2nd Road, Qijin District, Kaohsiung City
Opening hours
All day long.