Former British Consulate Residence at Takao, Breathtaking Views and Historical Elegance

No. 20 Lianhai Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
The view from above is great


Located at the southern end of Gushan in Kaohsiung, on the west side of the ferry terminal, it is the site of the former British Consulate. Built in 1865, this building is one of the oldest existing Western modern buildings in Taiwan. After the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, the Japanese converted it into a marine observation station in order to promote maritime activities. The designer was British, but the red bricks and craftsmen came from Xiamen. The unique bamboo-shaped downspout is one of the characteristics of the Western-style buildings in the late Qing Dynasty. The corner's double-column brick pillars make it more sturdy and stable. This building was once impacted by waves during World War II. Restoration work began in 1985 and it was designated as a second-class historical site in 1987. It was planned to be the Kaohsiung Historical Museum, showcasing documents, photographs, and models related to the development of Dagou and modern history. It is a great place to enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste history, and indulge in delicious food. From here, you can see Xizi Bay and the skyline of Kaohsiung Harbor, making it one of the best spots to capture a panoramic view of the harbor.

Must-go rating

Worth going


There is a parking lot
No. 20 Lianhai Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
Opening hours
9:00-21:00 (Ticket sales and entry to park end at 20:30), closed on the third Monday of each month.
Take the Orange Line O1 of the metro and get off at Xiziwan Station.