cijin, A slender isle of scenic beauty and rich history

Qijin District, Kaohsiung City
The scenery on the small island surrounded by the sea is nice


Qijin is a long and narrow island located on the west side of Kaohsiung City, close to the coast. It is known as one of the earliest developed urban areas in Kaohsiung. With its beautiful scenery, it is an excellent destination for enjoying the sea views, tasting seafood, and playing on the beach. Qijin Tianhou Temple is one of the oldest buildings in Kaohsiung, built in the 30th year of the Kangxi reign (1691). On the north side of the island, there is Qihou Mountain, where the famous Qihou lighthouse and Qihou battery are located, making it a famous historical site in Kaohsiung. If you want to visit Qijin, besides taking the Qijin Ferry from Cijin Lover's Wharf, you can also take a ferry from Gushan, which takes less than 10 minutes to arrive. It is also a must to enjoy the beautiful view of National Sun Yat-sen University from the ship.
Qijin District, Kaohsiung City
Opening hours
Throughout the year.
Take the Kaohsiung MRT to Xiziwan station and transfer to the ferry at Gushan Ferry Station to Qijin.