Kun Iam Statue, A Unique Fusion of Eastern and Western Artistry

Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau Peninsula, New Port Area, Sun Yat Sen Road
A Buddha statue with a Western style


The Guanyin Lotus Garden is located on an artificial island opposite Avenida do Almirante Lacerda in Macau's Inner Harbor. It is the last work in the series of Sino-Portuguese Friendship Monuments and is sometimes referred to as the "Guanyin Statue" by local residents. The building was unveiled in 1999 by China's first vice premier Qian Qichen and the Portuguese Prime Minister. It was designed by Portuguese architect Cristina Rocha Leiria and cast by Nanjing-based Chenguang Group, with 47 separate pieces assembled on site. The entire structure is 20 meters high and has a diameter of 19 meters, weighing 50 tons, made of bronze. The interior of the lotus seat of the Guanyin Lotus Garden is divided into two levels. The first level is a viewing room, also equipped with a reception area and a souvenir shop selling books, albums, and souvenirs published by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and Macau Museum. The lower level is a multi-purpose exhibition hall and a small library with over 600 religious books in various languages, as well as CDs, audio tapes, and video tapes related to religious and cultural themes. The multi-purpose exhibition hall can accommodate up to 50 people for small events. Feng shui masters determined the orientation of the Guanyin statue, which depicts her crossing the Mount Shoushan and heading towards the Guanyin Temple on Avenida do Almirante Lacerda. The statue of Guanyin has a simple design, with hands folded in front of her chest and flowing robes, appearing to walk gracefully. Her facial expression is peaceful, with her eyes closed or looking directly at the world. A small bridge stretches 60 meters, connecting the land and the building.
Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau Peninsula, New Port Area, Sun Yat Sen Road