Marble Mountains, A spiritual sanctuary amidst natural caves

81 Huyen Tran Cong Chua Street, Danang
The sunset scenery is particularly beautiful


Mount Ngu Hanh Son, also known as the Marble Mountains, is comprised of five distinct peaks made of marble and limestone. The locals have given each peak a name: Kim Son (Metal Mountain), Moc Son (Wood Mountain), Thuy Son (Water Mountain), Hoa Son (Fire Mountain), and Tho Son (Earth Mountain). Among them, Thuy Son is the most famous with its numerous natural caves, some of which have been transformed into shrines and temples, housing statues of Buddhist or Hindu deities. The mountain is also adorned with various exquisite pagodas. From the summit of Thuy Son, one can enjoy breathtaking views of mountains, sea, and the cityscape, while finding relaxation. The observation deck is particularly appealing with numerous attractions to explore.
81 Huyen Tran Cong Chua Street, Danang
Opening hours