Old City, Ancient Cooling Towers Amidst Desert Serenity

Imam Khomeini, Fahadan, Yazd, 47, Iran
There are many small roads in the old city area


In addition to the following attractions, one important highlight of the old city of Yazd is the wind towers (Badgjr) scattered throughout the streets and alleys. In this hot and humid region, each family has built an underground house, and the wind towers are a unique "air conditioning" system for the locals. The wind towers use tiny air currents to bring air into the underground houses through long air ducts. Above the underground houses are artificially carved qanats, which allow natural water flow through the underground houses. This unique combination creates a fascinating cool space in the underground houses. If you visit the old city of Yazd, be sure to pay attention to these ancient wind towers.
Imam Khomeini, Fahadan, Yazd, 47, Iran