Doi Suthep, Breathtaking views atop nature's watchtower

Khru Ba Srivijaya, Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province, 50300, Thailand
The mountain road has a lot of character


Doi Suthep, a popular tourist attraction with lush forests and colorful roses, offers breathtaking views of Chiang Mai city. The mountain is named after a hermit, Sudeva, who resided here for many years. Doi Suthep National Park, established in 1981, is home to several temples and is a favorite among tourists and hikers. Visitors can also enjoy birdwatching in the area. Don't miss out on the unique charm of nature's beauty at this scenic mountain peak when visiting Chiang Mai.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


There is a parking lot
Free parking
Park by the roadside
Bus transportation
Group travel
Khru Ba Srivijaya, Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province, 50300, Thailand
Doi Suthep is located 16 kilometers northwest of the old city of Chiang Mai. Tuk-tuks are not allowed on the mountain, so you must use a special "songthaew" for 80 baht round trip. It departs from the gate of Chiang Mai University, but leaves only once 10 people have gathered. Private cars can be hired for around 300 baht, while a Red Car costs 400 baht round trip. Riding a bike up to Doi Suthep is not recommended, as the road is steep and winding. It is also not advisable to ride a motorcycle unless you are experienced. It is more convenient to take a songthaew or hire a car. You can hire a car from the city or find one at the gate of Chiang Mai University. Along the way to Doi Suthep are Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, Bhubing Palace, and Hmong Village. Getting down the mountain is easy, as there are many songthaews available.