Sanam Luang, A Royal Expanse of Leisure and Tradition

Th Na Phra That, Ratchadamnoen Nai Na Phra Lan
A very large lawn


Royal Field Plaza, located in the center of Bangkok, covers an area of about 121,405 square meters. It is an oval-shaped traditional venue located between the Grand Palace and the Bangkok National Museum. It used to be the site for royal funerals, and now it has become a venue for various royal celebrations and ceremonies, including the Royal Ploughing Ceremony and the Rainmaking Ceremony held every May. The King's Birthday Celebration on December 5th is also held here. The location of Royal Field Plaza is superior as it offers a beautiful view of the Grand Palace to the north and the plaza itself is also very attractive. Last year, the Bangkok government renovated the plaza, making it cleaner and more orderly, becoming a favorite place for people to relax and entertain. Every day, many locals come here to fly kites and have picnics, making it a popular leisure plaza. However, there are some problems with the green lawn on the plaza, as the different lawn colors do not match, and there is sometimes garbage, which requires the relevant authorities to take corresponding measures. In addition, tourists need to beware of the pigeon food vendors in the plaza to prevent being misled or scammed. In summary, the Royal Field Plaza is a historical and important venue, and after renovation, it has become a good place for leisure and entertainment. If you come to Bangkok, you must not miss it.
Th Na Phra That, Ratchadamnoen Nai Na Phra Lan