IseJingu, A spiritual sanctuary of solemnity and tradition

Ise city, Mie Prefecture 516-0023, Japan
Most of the visitors are Japanese


Ise Grand Shrine is one of the most important Shinto shrines in Japan. The Inner Shrine enshrines the most revered deity in Shinto, Amaterasu Omikami, while the Outer Shrine enshrines the deity of food and daily life, Toyouke Omikami. In this shrine, one of Japan's ancient legendary treasures, the "Yata no Kagami" (the Eight-span Mirror), is also enshrined. Since Emperor Meiji, every reigning emperor has visited Ise Grand Shrine, which reflects its significant position in Japanese traditional culture. The Inner Shrine (Kotaijingu) and the Outer Shrine (Toyouke Daijingu) exemplify the deity system and belief system cherished in Shinto.
Ise city, Mie Prefecture 516-0023, Japan
Opening hours
Inner Palace: 5:00-18:00 from January to April
5:00-19:00 from May to August
5:00-18:00 in September
5:00-17:00 from October to December.
Outer Palace: 5:00-18:00 from January to April
5:00-19:00 from May to August
5:00-18:00 in September
5:00-17:00 from October to December.
Take JR to Ise-shi Station and walk for 5 minutes; take a bus to Ujiyamada Station and transfer to a local bus to get off at Naiku Station.