Cataratas do Iguaçu, Breathtaking Panoramic Waterfall Views

BR 469, Km 22.5, Foz do Iguaçu


Iguazu Falls is one of the widest waterfall groups in the world, with the upper Iguazu River (1200 meters wide) and the lower Iguazu River (only 65 meters wide) forming a huge drop and creating amazing water flow, with an average flow of 1500 cubic meters per second and up to 8500 cubic meters per second during flood season. The period from October to March of the following year is the time with the greatest water flow. The area includes waterfalls in Brazil and Argentina, with five of the 19 main waterfalls located in Brazil (Floriano, Deodoro, Benjamin Constant, Santa Maria, and União). The Brazilian Iguazu National Park is located downstream of the Iguazu River, and tourists can take park buses to enjoy the most spectacular waterfalls, including the Devil's Throat waterfall (Garganta del Diablo) and other waterfalls in Argentina. Tourists can choose to get off at the second to last stop "The Path of the Falls" and visit the waterfalls along the 1200-meter-long trail or go in the opposite direction. After the tour, tourists should note that the bus will go directly to the National Park's exit and cannot take the bus again to tour the falls, so they need to board the bus again after enjoying themselves. The terminal station has a restaurant where visitors can enjoy the beauty of the Iguazu River and the Argentine Iguazu National Park.
BR 469, Km 22.5, Foz do Iguaçu
Opening hours
9:00-17:00 every day.
All buses with "Nacional Iguacu" written on them can take you there.