Motomachi Catholic Church, A Timeless Sanctuary of Serenity and Prayer

15-30 Motomachi, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido
The iconic buildings in the Motomachi district


The Motomachi Church in Hakodate was initially built in 1877 as a wooden structure. The current church was rebuilt in 1924 and is one of the oldest churches in Japan, alongside the Yamate Church in Yokohama and the Oura Cathedral in Nagasaki. The interior of the church features a beautifully decorated main altar, which was a gift from the Pope, and is very grand. The church's bell tower, located outside, is ten stories tall and has a weather vane on top, which can be used for prayer or disaster avoidance. It is one of the iconic buildings in the Motomachi area. Inside the church, there is a guestbook where you can write down your wishes and prayers. During the Mass, the church will pray with you.
15-30 Motomachi, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido
Opening hours
10:00-16:00 (Closed from December 30 to January 3)