Motomachi, A nostalgic blend of fashion and history

1 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
A lot of shops


Motomachi Shopping Street is a fashionable shopping center located in the Yamate area, centered around Motomachi-dori and featuring hundreds of time-honored brand stores and unique shops. This place developed in 1859 with the opening of Yokohama Port and has always been a place to sell goods to foreigners. During the Meiji era, it gathered many scarce goods such as coffee shops, pastry shops, and clothing stores, promoting the process of Japanese civilization and enlightenment. However, earthquakes and wars once caused it to fall into difficulties. After the war, Motomachi Shopping Street was rebuilt and developed over many decades to form a unique shopping style. Now, there are many old-fashioned fashion stores, pastry shops, and trendy cafes that attract many visitors. In addition, this is also the birthplace of many pastry shop brands. If you want to know more about Motomachi Shopping Street, you can take a walk to the nearby foreigner cemetery and Harbor View Park to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yokohama Port.
1 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Get off at Yamate or Chuo Street Station on the Kanagawa Future Line, and it's just a 2-minute walk from JR Ishikawa-cho Station.