Hakone Gōra Park, A Year-Round Floral Paradise with Unique Illuminations

Hakone Gora Park, Senjogahara Gora Parking Lot Line, Hakone, Ashigarashimo, Kanagawa, Japan
The park has a greenhouse and a pottery museum


The French-style Rock Garden is located at the foot of Mt. Hakone and is a beautiful park in Hakone that is popular among tourists due to its blooming scenery in all seasons. Especially during summer and Christmas, visitors can enjoy unique shaped lanterns and nighttime lighting. This park is highly recommended for its year-round suitability for recreation.
Hakone Gora Park, Senjogahara Gora Parking Lot Line, Hakone, Ashigarashimo, Kanagawa, Japan
Opening hours
9:00-17:00, 9:00-21:00 (July 20-August 31)
Get off at Gora Koen Station on the Hakone Tozan Bus S line.