Lake Ashi, A serene escape with mesmerizing Fuji views

Hakone Lake, Motohakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Although the scenery is not that splendid


Ashinoko Lake is located in the western part of Hakone Town. It is a volcanic lake formed by volcanic activity over 3,000 years ago and is one of the largest lakes in Kanagawa Prefecture. Due to its proximity to Mount Fuji, it has become a famous tourist attraction. Despite the wet and rainy climate of Ashinoko Lake, visitors still have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Fuji. The lake offers boat tours, with the unique pirate ship adding a touch of fun to the trip. Ashinoko Lake is also known for its fish population, including rainbow trout and black bass, attracting many fishing enthusiasts.
Hakone Lake, Motohakone, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Opening hours
24/7 available.
1. Departing from Atami, there are buses operating by Izu Hakone Bus company that go to Hakone-machi. The journey takes about 60 minutes and costs 1150 yen for a one-way trip. Hakone Free Pass cannot be used on Izu Hakone Bus. 2. Departing from Gotemba, there are two buses per hour operated by Odakyu Highway Bus that go to the north and east sides of Lake Ashi. The journey from Gotemba to Momiji-dani takes about 30 minutes and costs 989 yen for a one-way trip. Hakone Free Pass can be used. 3. Departing from Tokyo, take the Odakyu Line from Shinjuku to Hakone-Yumoto. Transfer to the mountain railway to Gora after arriving at the station. After getting off at Gora station, take the mountain cable car to Sounzan. After 9 minutes, arrive at Sounzan, where you can take the aerial cable car to the final stop, Tozan-dai. This is the location for the Lake Ashi sightseeing boat pier.