Diagon Alley, Step into the Magic of a Medieval Wizarding World

Shambles, York, York YO1 7LZ, UK
Harry Potter filmed at various locations


In the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", Harry and Hagrid went to the back door of the Leaky Cauldron. Hagrid tapped his wand five times on the red brick wall, and the wall magically spun and formed an archway, revealing a dreamlike street scene. This is the place called "Diagon Alley", where young wizards and witches come to buy various magic props and books. This street has the longest history in the ancient city of York, and even in the whole of Britain and Europe, it is the most well-preserved medieval street. For Harry Potter fans, this is a dream street to explore.
Shambles, York, York YO1 7LZ, UK
Opening hours
24 hours