Enoshima Shrine, A Sacred Sanctuary with Enchanting Seaside Views

2-3-8 Enoshima, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Scattered throughout the whole mountain


Benten Shrine located in Japan is composed of three shrines: Benten Palace, Nakatsu Palace, and Okitsu Palace, and it is also one of Japan's famous "Three Great Benzaitens." The main hall enshrines Myoen Benzaiten and Hachihaki Benzaiten, which respectively display their different divinities and characteristics. It is worth mentioning that photography is prohibited inside the shrine, so visitors should be careful when coming to worship. In addition, Benten Shrine is also the filming location of the anime "Autumn Memories 6NR" and was once a shrine that Kasuga Yueno and the male protagonist Shio went to worship together.
2-3-8 Enoshima, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Opening hours
Hall of Supreme Harmony Opening Hours: 8:30-16:30