Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, A Cultural Beacon of Artistic Marvels

Ueno Park, Taito Ward, Tokyo, Japan 8-36
I really like art museums


The history of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum can be traced back to the Tokyo Prefectural Art Museum during the late Meiji and Taisho periods. At that time, the museum was a representative art museum for Japanese and Western paintings, with a special status. The painter Ishii Hakutei first proposed the idea of establishing the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, which was modeled after the Grand Palais Museum in Paris and designed and built under the supervision of Okada Shinichiro. Today, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum is a window to the art palace, hosting over 300 exhibitions per year and often holding various lectures in partnership with the media. The museum also has a professional art library and two different types of specialty restaurants and cafes. It provides studios specifically for art enthusiasts and amateur art groups to create and use, making it the friendliest art museum in Tokyo.
Ueno Park, Taito Ward, Tokyo, Japan 8-36
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 9:30-17:30 (admission stops 30 minutes in advance), during special exhibitions, closing time is extended to 20:00 on Fridays
the museum is closed on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, and if it coincides with a legal holiday or holiday makeup day, it will be postponed to the following day for rest. The museum is closed from December 29th to January 3rd.
JR Yamanote Line/JR Keihin-Tohoku Line/JR Joban Line/JR Takasaki Line/JR Utsunomiya Line/Ginza Line/Hibiya Line - Ueno Station, 10-minute walk from the exit.