Nagarkot, Breathtaking Himalayan Panorama and Serene Sunrises
Way to Nagarkot, Adhikarigau, Bhaktapur, Bagmati, Central Development Region, Nepal

Way to Nagarkot, Adhikarigau, Bhaktapur, Bagmati, Central Development Region, Nepal
There is a public bus from Bardagong to Nagarkot, with a ticket price of 35 rupees and a one-hour journey. After getting off, it takes about ten minutes to walk to the hotel area. A taxi from Bardagong costs about 800 rupees, but it is possible to arrange in advance. Departing from Bardagong at around 5am, returning at around 10am after watching the sunrise in Nagarkot costs about 1500 rupees for a round-trip charter.