Getreidegasse, Historic charm meets modern shopping bliss

Getreidegasse, Salzburg Austria
Shops are numerous on both sides of the street


In the center of Salzburg's old town, there is an old and charming shopping street. The street is lined with historic and elegant buildings that have been converted into a variety of antique shops, gift shops, and cafes. Walking here, you will feel the perfect combination of history and modernity, and you can also stop at any time to taste delicious local food, especially Bauchens and Rhine salmon. If you want to buy some souvenirs, the shops here will dazzle you. From printed products to wood carvings, from chocolates to wines, you can buy any gift you can imagine. Strolling along this shopping street, using all your senses to feel the city, you will definitely be deeply fascinated by it.

Must-go rating

Must go


Translation: Others
Getreidegasse, Salzburg Austria