Patuxay, A Monument of Liberation and Buddhist Myths

Lane Xang Avenue
The Arc de Triomphe is considered a landmark building in Paris


The Victory Gate, located in the center of Vientiane, the capital of Laos, is situated at the northeast end of Lane Xang Avenue, the busiest street in the city. Its appearance is similar to that of the Arc de Triomphe in France but is smaller in scale and is used to commemorate the liberation and independence of the Laotian people. It is decorated with characters and deities from Buddhist mythology. The Victory Gate has the same design on all four sides, supported by four large pillars, and its interior is decorated with colorful painted murals of Buddhist mythology and offers benches for resting in a cool and breezy environment. The Victory Gate has a total of seven levels, with the first four being indoor levels that include souvenir shops on the third and fourth floors, and the fifth and sixth levels being outdoor with views of the city center. The seventh level is a small indoor space with intriguing window designs. In front of the Victory Gate, there is a Chinese-constructed music fountain square. At the end of the square is an Indonesian-donated peace gong with flags of various countries on the outer circle and symbols of various religions on the inner circle. The Prime Minister's Office and President's Office are located next to the Victory Gate at the other end of Lane Xang Avenue and are not open to tourists.

Must-go rating

Worth going


There is a parking lot
Lane Xang Avenue
Opening hours
The opening hours of the Arc de Triomphe are 8:00-16:30 from Monday to Friday and 8:00-17:00 on weekends

The fountain is open from 18:00-20:00 from Monday to Friday and all day on weekends.
From the riverside, it takes about 20 minutes to walk and around 10 minutes to bike. When biking, please be aware that the foreigner street (Setthathrath Road) in front of the Presidential Palace is one-way and turning right from Lane Xang Avenue is not allowed.