Ancient Weir Painting Village, A tranquil artistic haven with a millennium legacy

Guyen Village, Liandu District, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China
All the good sights are in Guyan


Gujing Painting Village is located in the southwest of Lishui, and is an important base for Chinese literary and artistic creation. The place is famous for the thousand-year-old town of Dagangtou, which was once an important transportation station for ancient Zhejiang shipping, and is now one of the representative landscapes of Gujing Painting Village. Tourists can see historical and cultural relics such as a thousand-year-old camphor forest, a thousand-year-old town, a thousand-year-old green porcelain kiln site, and a thousand-year-old stone carving group. The ancient street here is located by the river, and you can often see artists creating in front of their easels, creating a rich artistic atmosphere. Gujing Painting Village is also one of the main creative bases of Chinese photography, attracting many professional photographers to come here to create.
Guyen Village, Liandu District, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (Summer)
Ticket sales stop at 16:00 (Monday-Sunday from January 1 to December 31)
"Lishui High-speed Railway Station, get off at the last stop of No.203 bus (about every 16 minutes), the first bus departs at 6:30 am and the last bus at 7:00 pm. Alternatively, there are usually buses from several counties and cities in Lishui to Dagangtou Town where the scenic spot is located."

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