Shiwudao Gully Swan Nature Scenic Area, Marvel at Nature's Masterpiece of Cascades and Volcanic Relics

Shi Wu Dao Gou, Changbai County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, China
There are many springs and waterfalls


Swan Lake Scenic Area is located in the Wtangtian'e Canyon of the Shiwudagou region of Changbai Mountain. This area is home to the second highest peak in Northeast China, the Wtangtian'e Mountain with an elevation of 2051.4 meters. The Wtangtian'e Mountain looks like an elegant swan when seen from afar, hence the name "Swan Lake". The main peak is surrounded by various bizarre rocks and ancient towering trees that complement the white snow of the Changbai Mountain, creating a beautiful landscape. The Swan Lake Scenic Area has a unique scenery with bizarre rocks, waterfalls and springs that can be seen everywhere, leaving people amazed at the work of nature. This area has famous waterfalls such as the Mushroom Spring Waterfall, the Mother and Child Waterfall, the Pearl Curtain Waterfall and the Nine-Fold Spring Waterfall, as well as many other unnamed waterfalls.
Shi Wu Dao Gou, Changbai County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, China
Opening hours
07:30-16:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 16:00 (Monday-Sunday from June 1 to August 31) 08:00-15:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 15:00 (Monday-Sunday from December 1 to February 28 of the following year)
Self-driving: 1. West route: Starting from Linjiang, drive east along the Yangtze River road for about 185 km to the entrance of Swan Lake Scenic Area. The entrance is 8 km from the toll station and the core scenic area is 5 km north of the toll station. 2. East route: From Songjiang River to Changbai County, it is about 135 km. Drive 58 km west from Changbai County to the entrance of Swan Lake Scenic Area. Drive to the right for 5 km to reach the core scenic area. Taxi: You can take a taxi from the county to enter the scenic area. The price can be negotiated with the driver, and the round trip is generally around 300 yuan.