Great Sphinx of Giza, Majestic guardian of ancient mysteries

Great Sphinx of Giza, Abou Al Hool Al Selahi, Nazlet al Batran, Remaya Square, Giza Governorate, 12561, Egypt
In ancient Egypt, lions were a symbol of strength


The Great Sphinx is one of the iconic attractions in Egypt. It is known for its lion body and human face and is referred to as the Sphinx. According to legend, it was born from a giant and a serpent. It is said to guard the crossroads and challenge passersby with riddles, devouring those who fail to answer correctly. A brave young man, Oedipus, successfully solved the riddles and the Sphinx, feeling ashamed, killed itself. The Sphinx has suffered significant weathering over time, particularly its upper body, which has led to its diminished grandeur. Additionally, Napoleon's army once used cannons to knock off its nose. However, visitors can still see several smaller sphinxes at the Egyptian Museum. To reach the Sphinx, one must pass through a causeway and go around the Khufu Pyramid. There is no additional fee to visit the Sphinx. Despite the significant weathering of its upper body, its lower half has been well-preserved as it has been buried in the sand for thousands of years. You can still imagine its former magnificence from its intact lower body. Next to the Sphinx, there is a corridor that serves as a popular spot for taking photos. Visitors can capture various perspective-distorted photos, such as kissing with the Sphinx, holding or licking the pyramid.
Great Sphinx of Giza, Abou Al Hool Al Selahi, Nazlet al Batran, Remaya Square, Giza Governorate, 12561, Egypt
Opening hours
Clearing will start after 16:00, and the Sphinx will not be allowed to enter.
The Pyramid Scenic Area is located in downtown Cairo. To get to the Pyramids, you can take the subway with a fare of 1 Egyptian pound and get off at El Giza station. Then, change to a minibus (0.5-2 Egyptian pounds) or take a taxi (15-20 Egyptian pounds) to the Pyramids entrance outside the subway station. It should be noted that parking is located some distance from the Pyramids entrance and requires a five-minute walk to the ticket office.