Giza Pyramids: Pyramid of Cheops, Sphinx etc, A timeless testament to ancient ingenuity

9km SW of Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Iconic must-visit spots in Egypt


Pyramids are one of the famous tourist attractions in Cairo, and they are also one of the most well-known ancient structures in the world. Pyramids are believed to be the tombs of ancient Egyptian rulers, but unlike the tomb of Tutankhamun, the inside of the pyramids is mostly empty except for something resembling a stone sarcophagus. The architectural challenges and various numerical coincidences add to the mystery of the pyramids. Located on the edge of the desert and the city of Cairo, the pyramids are usually visited by tourists, with the Pyramid of Khufu, the most spectacular of the three, as the main attraction. Climbing the pyramids is strictly prohibited, but visitors can enter the interior through passages previously excavated by tomb raiders. However, the passages inside the pyramids are narrow, steep, and have poor air circulation, so it is not recommended for those with weak physical conditions. When visiting, be sure to bring enough water as the mineral water sold near the pyramids is expensive. It is recommended for tourists to buy water in advance near the subway station. In addition, there are no toilets inside the pyramids, so it is necessary for visitors to take care of their bathroom needs at the ticket office.
9km SW of Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Opening hours
Get off at EL GIZA station and take a minibus or taxi to the Giza pyramids.