Guiyuan Buddhist Temple, Discover the Mystical Roaming Luohans

20 Guiyuan Temple Road, Hanyang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
The essence of Buddhist art lies in the 500 Arhat Statues


- Guiyuan Temple is one of the most important Buddhist temples in the Wuhan area, along with Baotong Temple, Xilian Temple, and Zhengjue Temple, collectively known as the four great Buddhist destinations of Wuhan. - Every year on the fifth day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims come to Guiyuan Temple to pray, a tradition that has become a daily habit for many Wuhan residents. - In the Luohan Hall of Guiyuan Temple, visitors can count the lohans in the order of their age, and the image and movement of the lohan they count will predict their fortune.
20 Guiyuan Temple Road, Hanyang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 16:30 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31) Note: Medical team members supporting Hubei Province, including national, military and provincial medical teams, as well as all medical staff in Hubei Province (with doctor or nurse certificates), are exempt from tickets (subject to the discretion of the scenic spot).
Take bus No. 547/637 to Bingtangjiao on Guobo Avenue, and get off at the bus stop. Then walk to your destination.