Tan Hualin, A Blend of History and Artistic Flair

West side of Renji Hospital, Yanhong Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
There's nothing special about the small shop on the street corner


In a large area north of Wuchang Garden Mountain and south of Phoenix Mountain, and east to Desheng Bridge on Zhongshan Road, there are many trendy cafes and unique small shops. This street block is about 1200 meters long and retains dozens of hundred-year-old buildings. It is one of the old streets gradually formed after the expansion of Wuchang City in 1371. Attractions such as Renji Hospital, Wenhua Academy, and the Tomb of Wan Ying at Yuying Hall are located here, and each building carries the historical heritage and memories of Wuhan. This area gathers different styles of architecture, blending Chinese and Western cultures, and the ancient street that has undergone a hundred years of history has become a highly sought after literary and art district in Wuhan.
West side of Renji Hospital, Yanhong Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Opening hours
All day (All year round, Monday to Sunday from January 1st to December 31st).
Take bus No. 34, 511, 530 (outer ring), 543, or 554 to Pangxie Cape Station on Zhongshan Road, and walk to reach the destination.