Qi'ao island, A Haven for Bird-Watching Amidst Mangroves

Tangjia Town, Qi'ao Village, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
A small island next to Zhuhai


-Qiaozhou Island is a must-visit place for those traveling to the cross-sea bridge, with a long history and 17 temples built in the Song and Qing dynasties. -The island has many historical sites such as Su Zhaozheng's former residence, Shawan ancient ruins, and Baishi Street, as well as natural scenic areas such as mangrove wetland protected areas and Qiao Bay. -The mangrove wetland protected area is the main attraction on the island, with over 100,000 migratory birds spending their winter here each year, making it the best choice for birdwatchers.
Tangjia Town, Qi'ao Village, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
All Day (Everyday of the Year: Monday-Sunday from January 1st to December 31st)
Take bus route 85 to Qi'ao bus stop and walk to the destination.