Daxing Milu Park Museum, A Serene Wildlife Haven in the City

Sanhaizi Luyuan Road, Quanxiang, Daxing District, Beijing (near Jiuzhong Road)
Free-range reindeer


In 1985, Beijing Milu Park was established and was officially opened to the public in 1994. Milu Park was once a part of the royal hunting ground Nanhaizi in the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Many wild animals roamed free here for hunting by the royal hunters. However, during the invasion of Beijing by the eight allied powers, the milu deer in Nanhaizi were looted and slaughtered, and Chinese milu deer disappeared. Fortunately, in 1985, Marquess of Tavistock from the UK gave 38 milu deer back to China. Currently, Milu Park has become a good place for wildlife exhibitions, camping, and picnics. Other deer species such as the white-lipped deer, sika deer, spotted deer, and muntjac, as well as Przewalski's horse and birds like the grey shrike and the great spotted woodpecker, can also be found in the park. The Milu Park Museum covers an area of 640,000 square meters, including 300 acres of swamp, 320 acres of natural grassland, and 60 acres of pond. There are more than 130 milu deer in the park which is also a highlight. The museum mainly exhibits the "Ups and Downs of Milu," "World Extinct Animal Grave," and "Oriental Protection Wall Paintings," aiming to introduce the history, culture, and natural features of milu deer.
Sanhaizi Luyuan Road, Quanxiang, Daxing District, Beijing (near Jiuzhong Road)
Opening hours
09:00-16:00 (all day)
last entry time: 16:00 (Tuesdays-Sundays, January 1-December 31, all day)
(Mondays, January 1-December 31)