Shimao Rock Little Three Gorges, Spectacular Gorge Scenery with Verdant Peaks

Within Nanxi River Scenic Area, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province


The natural gateway of Shiyanyan Scenic Area - Xiaosanxia, is about 3 kilometers long. When the boat enters the entrance of the canyon, it passes through winding gorges, deep pools, and verdant peaks on both sides, presenting spectacular scenery. After a 10-minute boat ride, visitors arrive at the docking point and then walk along the boardwalk to appreciate the green mountains and clear waters. Along the way, visitors can hear the murmuring of the flowing water and walk on the pebble-paved path lightly. Following the tree-lined path, they will reach Shiyanyan.
Within Nanxi River Scenic Area, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)

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