Shenxiu Lake, Serene Waters with Historical Charm

Guandian Road, Nancheng District, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province (on the mountain road from Drunken Old Man Pavilion to Langya Temple)
Feeling of lake water


Shenxiu Lake's water source is Langya Creek, which flows calmly throughout the four seasons on the way to the Yujia Wa Reservoir, with exceptionally clear water. The lake is built with a Nine-Curve Bridge, with pillars made of blue stone and a modern-style cement prefabricated bridge surface. The Nine-Curve Bridge leads to the Lake Heart Pavilion, which is covered with golden glass tiles and has a hexagonal glass birdcage that gives it the characteristics of ancient architecture. Next to the lake, there is also a Water Pavilion with three rooms and six beam frames made of wood, specifically designed to serve visitors.
Guandian Road, Nancheng District, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province (on the mountain road from Drunken Old Man Pavilion to Langya Temple)
Opening hours
Mount Langya is open from 7:00am to 5:30pm
Shenxiu Lake is open all day.