Anji Jiangnan Tianchi Scenic Area, A Reservoir of Splendor Amidst Mountains

Jiangnan Tianchi Resort, Henglu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province
The Jiangnan Tianchi is located on the mountaintop


- As the main attraction of Jiangnan Tianchi Scenic Area, it is located in a depression on the mountain top, relying on a pumped storage power station. - Every May, the azalea sea around Tianchi is stunning, while the spectacular snow scene in winter is equally enchanting. - Enter the Tianchi gate, walk up the steps to the Tianhuangping Pavilion viewing platform, and you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Tianchi on the left and the mountains on the right. - If you go to the viewing platform on the opposite side of the lake, you will see a completely different scenery of lake and mountain.
Jiangnan Tianchi Resort, Henglu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 17:30 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31).
Take the express bus from Hangzhou to Anji, transfer to a minibus at the station to Tianhuangping, and then take a tourist bus to Jiangnan Tianchi.