Yabuli New Sports Committee Ski Resort, Experience the thrill of China's premier slopes

Yabuli Ski Tourist Resort, Shangzhi, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province
The snow-covered mountain path of the newly established sports committee


Yabuli Sports Commission Ski Resort is located within a National AAAA-level scenic area and is a SSSSS-level tourist ski resort with a snow season that lasts for 5 months. This comprehensive ski resort is China's largest in terms of planning, most advanced in terms of facilities, and provides the best service. It not only meets the needs of tourists for skiing, but also provides venues for competitive skiing. The resort previously hosted the snow events of the 24th World University Winter Sports Games. There are a total of 15 ski runs for advanced, intermediate and beginner skiers, and various amusement projects such as alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, sled skiing, and snow fireworks and bonfire parties will also provide visitors with a rich and colorful experience.
Yabuli Ski Tourist Resort, Shangzhi, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province
Opening hours
08:00-16:30 (all day)
Last admission time: 14:30 (December 5th - March 31st, Monday to Sunday)
Train: The most convenient way is to take a train to Yabuli South Station, which takes about 3 hours and costs around 30 yuan. (But there is only one train a day to and from Harbin, so be sure to plan your schedule to avoid missing it.) After getting off, you can take a minibus directly to the ski resort, which takes about 5 minutes by car. Bus: There are three tourist buses directly to Yabuli Windmill Mountain Villa from Longyun Passenger Transport Station across from Harbin Railway Station every day at 7:30 am, 10:00 am, and 1:20 pm, respectively. The one-way trip takes 3 hours and costs 40 yuan. Self-driving: The ski resort is only 18 kilometers away from the 301 National Highway from Harbin to Suifenhe. It takes about 2 and a half hours to drive from Harbin. In winter, the snow is thick and the road is slippery, so tourists without ice and snow road experience should be careful.