The Pavilion of Myriad Blessings, A Majestic Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Buddhas

61-1 Yonghegong Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
The fifth hall of the Yonghe Temple


Wanfu Pavilion is one of the most magnificent buildings of Yonghegong, and it is also the fifth hall. Inside the pavilion, there are a total of ten thousand small Buddha statues, and it is named "Wanfu Pavilion" because the words "Buddha" and "fortune" sound similar in Chinese. The central main building has three floors, while the Yan Sui Pavilion on the left and the Yong Kang Pavilion on the right both have two floors. A flying corridor connects the two pavilions, creating an atmosphere of grandeur. However, the Maitreya statue carved from a single block of sandalwood is particularly eye-catching. It is said that the statue cost 80,000 silver taels to carve, ordered by Emperor Qianlong himself. It is also one of the three masterpieces of wood carving in Yonghegong, and once successfully made it into the Guinness World Records.
61-1 Yonghegong Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Opening hours
All day (January 1-December 31, Monday-Sunday)
Subway: Take Line 2 or Line 5 and get off at Yonghegong Station.