Cliffside Warehouse, A hidden waterfall in steep cliffs, a thrilling skywalk

In the valley 2.5 kilometers northwest of Xiaoruokou, Daruoyan Township, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
The boardwalk is very interesting


The Cliffside Warehouse is located in a valley 2.5 kilometers northwest of Xiaoruokou, with a 1-kilometer long and over 30-meter wide stream flowing through it. Only a line of blue sky can be seen between the steep cliffs that are about 300 meters high on both sides, forming this famous scenic spot. When tourists come here, they feel as if they are in the alleys of a skyscraper, with the dark and steep cliffs pressing against them from both sides, and only a few minutes of sunshine at noon in summer can shine through. Entering the Cliffside Warehouse and facing the towering Qianren Cliff, one feels difficult to move forward. Looking up, the cliff on the right side reaches up to seventy to eighty meters, with only a shy waterfall flowing down from the top. The steep cliff has 20-meter long stone steps carved into it, allowing the brave to climb up by holding onto the railings and directly reaching a gap on the left side of the mountain wall. At the gap, a huge waterfall rushes towards one's face from the front, with raindrops and cold air. Below, there is a pool with an area of about 100 square meters and pebbles covering the bottom, surrounded by steep cliffs. Standing here feels like being in a deep well. During the rainy season, the waterfall covers the entire pool, making people dread and unable to approach.
In the valley 2.5 kilometers northwest of Xiaoruokou, Daruoyan Township, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (all day)
Last entry time: 16:30 (January 1 - December 31, Monday-Sunday)
Turn left at the head of Li Dawu Village and go straight for 300 meters towards Longxiang from Taogong Cave, and you will arrive at the Cliffside Warehouse. You can take a three-wheeled agricultural vehicle from Taogong Cave (about 2 yuan) to get there.

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