The CangShan Mountain, A Majestic Mountain with Snowy Peaks and Verdant Forests

South of Gantong Road, Qiliqiao, Dali Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province
The largest cableway in China


Cangshan Mountain boasts beautiful scenery, and its main peak is spectacular with snowy landscapes, making it one of Dali's famous four attractions. The Yudai Cloud Tour Trail, which is approximately 18 kilometers long, allows visitors to enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Dali Baizi and Erhai Lake. To reach the Clear Jade Creek, Zhonghe Temple, and Xima Lake on the Yudai Trail, visitors can choose to take a cable car or trek up the mountain. However, visitors should be cautious since Cangshan Mountain is very imposing, and the journey can be complicated. It is highly recommended to stay on the Yudai Trail to avoid getting lost. Due to the high elevation of Cangshan Mountain, the temperature can drop significantly in the early morning and evening. Therefore, visitors should bring some warm clothing when hiking up the mountain.
South of Gantong Road, Qiliqiao, Dali Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province
Opening hours
08:30-16:00 (Mon-Sun, Jan.1-Dec.31)
There are many taxis in the ancient city that can take you to the foot of Cangshan Mountain, and then you can take a cable car up the mountain.