Shuanglang Ancient Town, A serene retreat amidst mountains and sea

Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, S314 (East Ring Road)
Picturesque internet-famous tourist attractions


Shuanglang Town is located on the northeast coast of Erhai Lake, connected to the sparkling Erhai Lake, and also enjoys the beautiful scenery of the 19 peaks of Cangshan Mountain, gathering the essence of Cang and Erhai. The main attractions, Yujidao Island and Nanzhao Fengqing Island, are great places to enjoy the sunset. The architectural styles in the town are diverse, with many tourists loving the Sun Palace, Moon Palace, and Qinglu. It is recommended to stay here for one night, take a boat tour on the lake at dusk, enjoy the beautiful scenery of light and shadow, and experience a unique flavor.
Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, S314 (East Ring Road)
Opening hours
All day (Every day from January 1st to December 31st, Monday to Sunday)
1. Dali Automobile Passenger North Station- Shuanglang Passenger Center; 2. Dali Ancient City Ticket Center- Shuanglang Ancient Town; 3. Dali Ancient City Passenger Station- Shuanglang. For details of the bus schedule, please consult each passenger station.