Dali Old City, Experience the timeless charm of a cultural haven

42 Yita Road, Dali City, Yunnan Province
Must-visit places in Dali


Dali Ancient City is located at the foot of Cang Mountain and was the capital of the ancient Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms. The streets in the city are arranged in a chessboard pattern, becoming the center of Dali tourism. The climate in Dali is clear in the lunar months of March and April, making it the best time to enjoy the scenery and experience local customs. Here, tourists can enjoy a leisurely and trendy slow lifestyle, taking care of flowers, playing with cats and dogs, strolling through small shops, and hanging out with friends in bars.
42 Yita Road, Dali City, Yunnan Province
Opening hours
All Day (Monday to Sunday, January 1st to December 31st)
1. If you take a train to Dali, you can directly take Bus No. 8 from Dali Railway Station, and the terminus is near the East Gate of Dali Ancient City. If you take a plane to Dali, you can first take the airport shuttle bus to Cangshan Hotel, and then take Bus No. 8 to the nearest "City Hospital" station. 2. To go from Xiaguan to Dali Ancient City, you can take Bus No. 4, which is operated by the public transportation company, and the terminus is near the South Gate of Dali Ancient City. 3. There are some minibuses on JianShe Road and WenHua Road in Xiaguan that can take you to Dali, with a journey of about 30 minutes and a fare of about 50 yuan.