St. Gellért Thermal Bath and Swimming Pools, A Royal Thermal Experience Awaits

H 1118 Budapest, Kelenhegyi út 4 (Translated: H 1118 Budapest, Kelenhegyi út 4)
Coexistence of hot springs and swimming pools


The Gellért Baths on Freedom Hill have become one of the most highly regarded hot spring baths in the city, in addition to the famous Széchenyi Thermal Baths. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the baths next to the Freedom Bridge, just take a walk towards the Buda side of the bridge and continue along Kelenhegyi út road that extends from the bridge to easily reach the Gellért Baths. This is an ideal place for taking photos, relaxing, and enjoying the hot spring experience.
H 1118 Budapest, Kelenhegyi út 4 (Translated: H 1118 Budapest, Kelenhegyi út 4)
Opening hours
Main bath: 6:00-20:00
Some medicinal hot spring baths are only open on weekdays from 6:30-19:00.
You can choose to take the D11/12 ferry to Szent Gellért tér (Szabadság híd) station; or take Tram 18/19/41/47/49 or Bus 7/86 and get off at the Szent Gellért tér stop.