Fire Rocks, Eternal Flames of Nature's Wonder

946 Hengdong Road, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan
It feels better to go see at night


Chuhuo, located on the Hengchun Peninsula, is a famous geological landscape where natural gas stored in the shale layer bursts out from the cracks and ignites to create a fiery scene. It is named Chuhuo because of this. The landscape is located about 100 meters outside the Hengchun East Gate and can be reached via County Road 200. As it is close to the highway, it often attracts tourists to stop and admire. Currently, Chuhuo is planned as a special scenic area and is under the management of the Kenting National Park Administration.
946 Hengdong Road, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan