Bratislavský hrad, A Majestic Blend of History and Panoramic Views

Bratislava Castle Zámocká 2, 81101 Bratislava Old Town, Slovakia
The castle is one of the most prominent buildings in the city of Bu


Bratislava Castle, located on the west side of the ancient city along the Danube River, towers into the sky. It was once a hiding place for the Hungarian royalty to avoid Turkish occupation. The castle suffered a fire in 1811, but was restored and rebuilt in the 1950s to its former glory. It also houses a historical museum (Historické múzeum) inside, which is worth a visit.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Translation: Others
Bratislava Castle Zámocká 2, 81101 Bratislava Old Town, Slovakia
Opening hours
Castle: April to September 9:00-21:00, October to March of next year 9:00-18:00
History Museum: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00-17:00.