Ohrid Old City, A Timeless Balkan Gem with 365 Churches

Bank, Kliment Ohridski, Krst Jamiya, Ohrid, Municipality of Ohrid, Southwestern Region, 6000, Macedonia
There is an early rectangular church


Ohrid, located in the southwest of Skopje and near the Albanian border, stands on the northeast shore of Lake Ohrid. The city has beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. It is known as the "Jerusalem of the Balkans" because it once had 365 churches, allowing people to visit different churches every day. The ancient city was built in the 2nd century BC and has rich historic architecture and landmarks. In 1980, it was listed as a World Heritage Site.
Bank, Kliment Ohridski, Krst Jamiya, Ohrid, Municipality of Ohrid, Southwestern Region, 6000, Macedonia
Opening hours
24 hours