Ross, A Tranquil Town with Timeless Charm

Ross TAS 7209, Australia


Ross is a quiet town located on the Macquarie River in central northern Tasmania. The town center is small, with a limited area and a maze of streets that can be traversed in 5 minutes on foot and explored in half an hour. Its most famous attraction is Australia's third-oldest bridge, which is still in use today. Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki used Ross as the blueprint for scenes in "Kiki's Delivery Service," adding to its popularity in East Asia. Ross is located in the middle of the highway between the two major cities of Hobart and Launceston, with a 1-hour drive to Launceston and a 1.5-hour drive to Hobart. The town is full of historical sites and exudes an old-world charm. The churches and shops are orderly, quiet, beautiful, and exquisite, and the houses do not require house numbers, making it easy for tourists to find their way around. It is recommended to enjoy the pleasure of strolling and discovering more treasures in this town at a slow pace. Of course, there are several famous historical sites worth mentioning here as well.

Must-go rating

Must go


Free parking
Ross TAS 7209, Australia