Taroko Tourist Center, A Haven of Natural Wonders and Cultural Riches

No. 291, Fushi, Fushi Village, Xiulin Township, Hualien County


Located at the intersection of Provincial Highway No. 8 and No. 9, the Taroko National Park Visitor Center in the Taroko Gorge area includes an administrative center and a National Park Police station in addition to the visitor center. The visitor center houses an Ecological Leisure Center, Children’s Environmental Education Museum, Human and Nature Exhibition Hall, and a Special Exhibition Room, providing detailed travel information. It is recommended that visitors stop by the visitor center before going to the Central Cross-Island Highway to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the gorge. Since 2002, the visitor center has also been hosting a popular Taroko Music Festival. Moreover, there is an introductory film "Mountains, Rivers, Clouds and Skies of Taroko" which should not be missed.
No. 291, Fushi, Fushi Village, Xiulin Township, Hualien County
Opening hours
8:30 to 16:45
Take a taxi from Xincheng Railway Station and arrive at the Visitor Center in about 10 minutes.