Eternal Spring Shrine, Eternal waters cascade amidst serene cliffs

Xiu Lin Township, Hualien County
Continuous waterfalls clean and cool all year round


Starting from the parking lot beside Zhongheng Highway at 187 kilometers, a 1.35-kilometer-long trail leads to the famous Changchun Shrine. Along the way, visitors need to pass through a dark short tunnel. The trail from Changchun Shrine to Zhengan Temple is a "Z" shape, only 1.35 kilometers long and can be completed in about an hour one way. The stairs are steep, and visitors need to take their time and enjoy the scenery. About 20 minutes later, visitors will reach Dongtian Xianfu, which was built by chiseling caves. The peeling paint is a witness to its history. Inside the cave, visitors can see a Buddha statue and murals, but the entire cave is not equipped with lights and is very dark. When going downhill, visitors can turn left and follow the path through the weeds to Taliugou Tower. Then, take a detour back to the original spot, pass a small suspension bridge, and reach Zhengan Temple. There is a road near Zhengan Temple that leads to Zhongheng Highway, and visitors can return to the Changchun Shrine parking lot from the highway.
Xiu Lin Township, Hualien County
Take the Taiwan Railway to Xincheng Station and rent a car.